I Just Bought an Air Fryer. Is it Worth the Buy? What Do I Need Beforehand?
No one wants to spend hours in the kitchen anymore. So, they opt for fast-cooking appliances like air fryers. But is an Air Fryer really worth buying? Is there anything more you need to get beforehand?

Way overdue; I need to find out whether the Air Fryer hype has died down. Now that I'm an owner, it seems normal to see the "how to cook" shows using an Air fryer and not give it the time of day.

At my house, my boyfriend does the cooking. USING the Air Fryer. He does the cooking using the Air Fryer, okay. I swear, though, I did think about technologizing every nook and cranny in the kitchen just to see if that'll do the trick.

5 Things to Consider Before Buying an Air Fryer

Jokes aside, the Air Fryer is good. There are just a few things I need you to consider before buying one.

1. When cooking chips, cut very thin slices


It's just better. If they're too thick, they'll likely fail to cook well. And feel chewy/uncooked. And not in a good way.

2. When cooking steak, cut thick slices

thick steak slices

The opposite, yes. Whenever we use thin slices, it's just crusty. It burns, sometimes. Sticks onto the Fryer. Oozes so much sauce to the bottom.

What's left is good, but I can't help feeling it's even better if the steak is thicker. You know, so there's actual steak left to eat.

3. If it's beef, boil first (or use a meat tenderizer)

meat tenderizer

Beef is usually harder than goat meat. If you've ever landed beef from an aging cow, you probably had to fight with rubber band meat.

To be safe, you can boil it first to soften it. Or use meat tenderizer.

4. Get an oil spray

For now, we're making do, drizzling some oil on top of what's about to cook. But an oil spray is much better.

You can regulate its use. Plus, it'll spread more evenly, even seeping through nicely.

5. Get disposable Air Fryer liners

I don't know what they're called. I'm still on the hunt for them. Let’s call them heat-resistant, disposal liners for now.

It helps avoid the mess sauces create when they seep their juices all over the Air Fryer. Seriously, it's giving us such a headache to clean. The sooner I get the liners, the better.

I've seen people use something that looks like paper plates. Please let me know what works for you. Thanks!

I'll update this list with more useful tips. Also, there being a list means that things work as promised. So, do enjoy.

While at it, feel free to check out our “I Just Got Paid. Now What? How Can I Save Money? How Can I Grow My Money Fast?” article. Best to explore all opportunities for multiple sources of income. Meanwhile, do let us know in case of any questions or concerns. Always here to help!