Speak Up Against Femicide.
Say No to Gender Violence.
#StopKillingWomen #EndFemicideKE
In this article, on the topic of femicide, the message is clear. The message is simple. Stop killing women.
As difficult a conversation as this is, and believe me, I'm still learning, sometimes consensual sex doesn't feel like it. Consensual sex can feel like rape, and that's okay.
The world is changing. Kenya will repeatedly find itself at a crossroads of whether to change with the times or stick to tradition. Regardless of how corny it sounds, I'm genuinely curious whether being a lesbian is something you can choose to be.
Picking a degree in Kenya is like adulting. At first, you can't help craving it. Can't help getting excited the closer it arrives. Once it does, though, things quickly take a turn for the worst.
No one wants to spend hours in the kitchen anymore. So, they opt for fast-cooking appliances like Air Fryers. But is an Air Fryer really worth buying? Is there anything more you need to get beforehand?
Every bone in my body is telling me, "Don't post this. It's private stuff." But I will go ahead and post it in the hope that people with mental illness no longer feel like they need to keep that part of themselves private.
When working through your childhood trauma, an essential relationship to consider is the father and son or daughter relationship. Our society too can influence how fathers raise their children, and, consequently, impact their future for better or worse. Let's have this difficult conversation right here, leaving no stone unturned.
The first step to becoming a pro swimmer is learning how to float in water. It’ll come in handy in learning the four main styles of swimming and helps to regain balance while swimming.
The easiest swimming style, if you ask me, is the freestyle stroke. It’ll definitely prove a helluva workout to perfect, but once you do, you’ll be all set to compete with pro swimmers.
Despite being the "softer" parent who often always has your back, mothers can also be the parent you want approval from the most, for better or worse.
I sound so cryptic, but it’s because vaginal infections, the topic we’ll explore today, has been made to seem like so for way too long. Tag along as we break down all there is to know about vaginal infections, including the causes, symptoms, and treatment.

By Joyce Gicheha

By Joyce Gicheha

By Joyce Gicheha

By Joyce Gicheha

By Joyce Gicheha

By Joyce Gicheha
Gaming isn’t what it used to be. There’s so much variety these days, and way more genre options for every person out there.
How Far Can You Go to Hide a Truth That May Very Well Shatter Your Marriage?
"Today's world is messed up." Okay, then. How would you do it differently? The 100 sole goal is survival at all costs. The societies here don't hesitate to kill and maim to further their own agenda. Today, you'll judge these people harshly. But, we too have our own problems with our societies to work on. Can we learn from the other? Or are things meant to remain just the way they are?
If Twists and Turns were a mini-series, it’d be Netflix’s The Stranger. Get ready to have your world blown over. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
When I first started watching The Good Doctor, it had been for the love of Grey's Anatomy, or rather, my long lost love for it, before the show dragged too long, everyone died, and here we are choosing between hundreds of medical dramas all trying to copy the OG. Breathe, Joyce. Breathe.
Take a breather, slip a pizza in the oven, and binge-watch all of the teen dramas/action comedies/feel good films I have for you. You’re gonna love it.
Sex can bring joy just as much as it can bring pain, plus many more lessons I've learned from this most essential book.
Craving some healthy, crusty, full-of-life shawarma? I've got just the right place for you to dine in!
Chill, serene hang-out spots are so hard to find. So, when I ran into Kijani’s Kafe’s outdoor oasis of calm, I had to make sure you could enjoy it too.
Life without cocktails is like pain without morphine. Okay, maybe that’s a little extreme, but if you’re a cocktail junkie like me, then you’ll want to drop by Culture Mambo like yesterday. Thank me later!
Little Garden. It's a place I was curious to see. Not because my friends had told me about it, but because of its name.