Hidden Treasures in Nakuru: Come Along for the Ride
If you're like me, you want to know the answers to all the questions about a new place and its offers before choosing to go there. Lucky for you, I have taken the liberty to get these answers for you.

I have lived in Nakuru for all my life. Born and bred. We moved around a bit. But, always, wound up staying within the city. Even when I moved out of my parent's house, I decided to live a mere few walks from home. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't rely on my parents to pay any of my bills. I also don't visit them as often as I should. And neither do they. Perhaps it's because I moved to Kigali for college that I have gotten used to my independence. Or, maybe it's because I love Nakuru so much I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else.

My reasons for choosing to live in Nakuru aside, I realized that I barely know any cool hang-out spots in my own hometown. I was raised in a strict Christian home, so I didn't go out much. And when I moved out, most of my friends had chosen to live in faraway places. Basically, I didn't have any close friends to show me where people go to hang out and assumed I'd figure it out on my own. At first, I would hang out in hotels mostly. Buhara Zenoni. Gilanis Restaurant. Hotel Cathay. I will put up articles for these soon.

The point is that I went to places where a simple Google search will pull all (if not most) of their information up. The activities available. Reviews. Parking space. Is there swimming? How much is it? What about alcohol? Do they serve it at a bar? If not, can you bring your own? How good is the food there? What's the ambiance like? Is it a hotel you would return to? If you're like me, you want to know the answers to all these questions before choosing to go there. Lucky for you, I have taken the liberty to get the answers for you.

By virtue of most hotels putting up their information online, I will prioritize the not-so-popular places I was genuinely shocked to have known that they exist. And, consequently, ended up having the most amazing time: it's a no brainer whether I would return. So, come along as we explore all the hidden treasures we can find!

Got a place in mind you would like me to visit for you? Let me know over at joycegicheha.writer@gmail.com